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Answers with Tag: Haidh

Business in Iddat

Itikaf Rules for Ladies

  My aunt is experiencing continuous yellow and green discharge. She has been advised that since her discharge is not white, it will be regarded as continuous spotting and she should pray and leave prayer for 15 days and 10 days alternatively. However, she is not confident with this advice, especially now that it would mean leaving roza as well as prayer. Before using contraceptives, her discharge used to be white and her haidh cycle was of one month. Please advise how she should regard this constant yellow and green discharge.

Fasting for a woman during her menses in the month of Ramadhan

Tampons & Recital of Quraan in Haidh

Umrah and Haidh

Is khula permissible in menses?

Giving Talaq in the state of Haidh

Unknown Haidh Period

Is ghusl necessary upon completion of the menses cycle before having intercourse?

Hifz & Haidh

Woman bleeding for less than 3 days, and then not seeing blood for a month

Decree Nisi and Decree Absolute

Is Ghusl Necessary?

Is This Haidh?