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Answers with Tag: Hadith

Prohibition against adopting certain hairstyles for women

A Hadith stating that Hajj removes sins like how water removes dirt

Are Hadiths narrated by Sukayn ibn ‘Adbil ‘Aziz found in As Sunnanul Arba’h?

Charity on ‘Aashura

A narration stating that ‘Ulama will be massacred before Qiyamah

Writing ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ on the first of Muharram

Mu’awiyah ibn Mu’awiyah high rank due to continuously reciting Surah Ikhlas

The date palm trees of the Banu Nadhir tribe being cut down and burnt

Is there a specific number or way to have black seeds as a cure?

An unreliable virtue of fasting on ‘Aashura

A follow up query regarding the narration ‘Difficulties and hardships, A sign of Iman’

Fasting and giving charity on ‘Aashura

Another narration regarding ghibah and adultery

Trials that will occur before the coming of Dajjal

The number of scriptures given to certain Ambiya