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Answers with Tag: gold

Digital Currency-Bitcoin

UAE Onegram coin

Gifting back money with loan

Joint Family and hijaab with in-laws

Is it possible for an ummati to surpass our Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in practical deeds (amal)?

Is it possible for an ummati to surpass our Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in practical deeds (amal)?

Can Zakaat be given to someone who owns land but is in financial constraints?

My husband is a porn addict. What should I do?

Watch with gold strap.

Paying back extra gold without any condition

Zakaah on jewellery kept for daughters

Returning loans with extra because it’s not possible to return exact

I work part time and earn £600 a month. Do I have to give Zakat?

Zakaat query

Investing in Heera gold Co.