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Answers with Tag: Fajr

A narration regarding the Masnun Surahs of the Friday Fajr Salah

A du’a for protection against blindness, leprosy and paralysis

An incident at the demise of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas (radiyallahu ‘anhuma)

A virtue of remembering Allah Ta’ala after Fajr and after ‘Asr

Great reward for a simple tasbih

Will we acquire the promised virtue even without fulfilling the clauses?

The virtue of Fajr Salah on a Friday

Sleeping after Fajr

A du’a to be read after Fajr and Maghrib for protection from Jahannam

A follow up query regarding the translation of a narration on the virtue of Surah Ikhlas

Translation of a narration on the virtue of Surah Ikhlas

Authenticity of a dhikr to be recited after Fajr Salah

Reward for offering Salatul Ishraq

The virtue of the Nafl Salahs before/after the five daily fard

Reciting tasbih for ease in sustenance