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Answers with Tag: Dhikr

Is 12 Tasbih Zikr allowed in congregations?

What is a good dua or zikr for passing exams?

Why haven’t I been blessed with a dream of Rasulallah despite my devotion?

Can menstruating women recite daily duas and darood shareef?

What does Islamic scripture say about reciting prayers at night near the gravesides?

Is mid-Shabaan Sunnah or Bid’ah?

Do I need to shave after 1st Umrah? Can I Tawaf on 1st/2nd floor of Masjid al-Haram? Can I do 2 Rakat of Nafl/Wajib?

What does my dream of a mosque signify?

How can I do Namaz and Zikr with full concentration and on time?

What does your dream of your father-in-law mean?

What is the spiritual significance of dreaming of family members going to Hajj?

Did I do anything wrong during Hajj?

Can a woman who has not taken ghusl after napaki read the holy Quran online?

How can I stop having bad thoughts about Islam and Allah during prayer?

Can I listen to instrumental music for relaxation?