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Answers with Tag: court

Regarding fatwa no. 19138, isn’t otoplasty surgery a cosmetic surgery? Is cosmetic surgery permissible? Can one undergo surgery to rectify abnormal looking nose or chin?

I’m pregnant and spotted a little. Do I have to perform ghusl?

Can we pray Nafl Salāh anytime of the day or are there certain periods in the day when we should not pray?

I have to clean my children while I am in wudu. Does it break the wudu or not?

Can a woman operate a business from home and is it permissible to sell cell phones with video capabilities?

What is the best way of disposing of Islamic literature?

In a Fardh, Sunnah, or Nafl Salāh in which order can we recite the sūrahs ? What is meant by short sūrahs?

Can women perform tayammum instead of ghusl in the winter if there is fear of falling sick?

I have an issue with bleeding…1) Am I allowed to pray two prayers in their respective times with the same wudhu? 2) Can I wear khuffain with this condition and wipe over them when I need to make a new wudhu?

What should we do when the baby comes in front of us while praying Salāh?

Is it permissible to specify one of two days in a given week to keep the fast of nadhr (vow)?

Can a child lead other children in Salāh with the teacher providing guidance and direction?

On what basis should the masjid committee members be selected?

Can a woman in ‘iddah whose husband has passed away leave her house to earn money if she has no financial support?

How far apart should the feet be in Salāh (qiyām, rukū and sujūd)?