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Answers with Tag: country

A women travelling without a Mahram for a necessary journey

Selling interest based contracts at work

What should one do when others speak about their religion in front of him?

Is my income from students who violate their countries laws haram?

Writing Bismillah, saying Allahu Akbar 100 times

Third-Party Insurance

Job Involving Taxes

Punishment for insulting Nabi (ﷺ)

Returning money when you can’t find its owner- Wusooli in Tabligh Jamaat

Suffering from severe Waswasa and OCD

How do I deal with my Mother-In-Law?

Who should be employed for a post in the government?

Is it permissible to purchase commodity ETF (Exchange traded funds) and leveraged ETF

Which animals can Qurbani be done on?

Can I become a police officer? Will it be regarded as kufr to become a police officer?