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Answers with Tag: cell phone

Muslim Women and Secular Education: Permissible or Not?

Talking to non-mahrams on a cellphone

Paying for an item in instalments

What is the digital Quran recitation during Taraweeh?

Is it haram for me to sell/repair cell phones if I know customers use them for haram activities?

What advice can you give to help my son and his children in this situation?

Listening to Qur’an without wudhu

Following the Imaam via the cellphone

Keeping one’s money in the bank

Permissible Sales: Books with haram ingredients?

Cancelling a phone call during Salaah

Can a Girl Request a Cell Phone as Mahr?

The Islamic Ruling on Using FaceTime for Communication

Using the word “Magic” in a business name

Permissible Sales: Textbooks, Clothing, and More – A Guide for Muslim Business Owners