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Answers with Tag: bleeding

Istihadah is Treated by Material Means

Minimum Time of Menstruation-Intermittent or Constant-is Twenty Four Hours

Ruling on Bribery and how to Redeem One’s self from It

Stoppage and Continuation of Post-Natal Bleeding prior to sixty Days

Vowed to Fast Each Monday and Tuesday so long as She is Alive

Relieving People with Incontinence from Renewing Ablution in Case of Hardship

Nifaas Begins after Delivering the First Twin and the Blood between Deliveries is also Nifaas

Passed away before Making up Missed Fasts of Ramadan

A Pregnant Woman doesn`t Menstruate

Upon Stoppage of Postpartum Bleeding, a Woman should pray and Fast even before the End of Forty Days

Ruling on Making Love to Wife during Menses

It is Forbidden for a Ceremonially Impure Person, a Woman in Post-Natal Bleeding and Menses to Stay in the Mosque

Menstruation doesn`t Cease at a Certain Age

Question: Does the date for menstrual menses change, and how is the increase calculated ?

What is the ruling when the monthly period exceeds (15) days ?