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Answers with Tag: beloved prophet

What do I pay zakat on?

I want to go to seek knowledge, but can’t… I’m distraught… how else can I become a really good

RE: Impermissible prayer beads (misbahas)?

Praying Asr at the earlier time

Ghusl: Dream without ejaculation but wet drops…

Non-Muslims’ Meat Claims & Non-Zabiha Meat… 

RE: “Hamza Yusuf Hanson and calling a kafir a kafir”

Used past exams to revise, but then…

The Fiqh of I`tikaf (spiritual retreat)

How to turn in the call to prayer

Stolen Things: When a kid… how to compensate?

The right way of getting out of a mortgage…

What is the evidence of the Hanafis that wiping the back of the neck is sunna? How come they al

Is Smoking Permitted? Is it a Munkar?

Permissibility of food of the people of the book