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Answers with Tag: authenticity

Another virtue for Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (radiyallahu’anhu)

Verification of a Hadith explaining the importance of cupping

The famous incident of Bilal (radiyallahu’anhu) returning to Madinah & calling the adhan…

Authenticity of the Rajab du’a

Tall buildings in Makkah; a sign of Qiyamah

Hadith on the virtue of chastity

Reciting different Surahs after every Fard Salah

Clarification on Hadiths regarding the permissibility/impermissibiity of selling dogs

Removing dirt from the Masjid is the dowry for the damsels of Jannah

Reference for Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) making du’a for the ummah in every Salah

More merits of Ayatul-Kursi

Hadith: The Jews were divided into seventy one groups

Where to place the shoes in Salah?

Was Yusuf’s (‘alayhis salam) prison sentence increased?

The earnings of one’s children