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Answers with Tag: authenticity

Maulana WaheedUddin Khan and his writings

I have been approached for marriage by a brother. I have known him for a very long time through a mutual business relation. I had refused at first but now I am reconsidering. What is the proper was of performing namaaz ishtikarah to see if I should accept. Are there any other duas or namaz that I can pray for guidance in doing the right thing.

1. Where are you based?

Can we work in gambling environment

Are all the Ahadees pertaining to Thasbeeh salat are weak?

Is there ahadees available where-in Rafa e Yadain is not mentioned?

What is the meaning of Khulafa e Rashideen?

The Commercial run in TV about Lays Chips

What is the need for saying Inshallah?

Urging Speakers to Recite Verses of Quran Correctly and Ascertain Authenticity of Prophetic Traditions

A Question about the Authenticity of a Long Hadith Reported on the Authority of Yazid Al-Riqashi from Anas

There is no Contradiction between the Quran and the Sunnah Regarding the Prescribed Punishment for Apostasy

Standing up for the Prophet (PBUH) is a Legal Obligation

Why is there difference of Fatwa among scholars?

Are the men on the Heights going to enter Heaven?