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Answers with Tag: authentic

Spending surplus wealth in charity is better than hoarding it

Authenticity of the Hadith regarding the people of Allah and His special servants

Going in the path of Allah with strangers

Accepting the excuse of a Muslim

Turning away one’s gaze from a strange woman

A fabrication regarding poverty for Sahabah and wealth for the latter generation

The best among you is he who learns the Quran and teaches it

Clarification on an incident regarding Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (radiyallahu ‘anhu)

Cupping on the foot

An unreliable virtue of sweeping the Masjid

Music has the same ill effect as intoxicants

The importance of teaching one’s neighbours matters of Din

The Hadith prohibiting women from using fragrance when going for Salah

A narration stating a virtue of the name Muhammad or Ahmad

Another Hadith on the treatment of one’s wife and the rights a wife enjoys over her husband