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Answers with Tag: Adhan

Shari’at and Moon Sighting: Spectacles vs Binoculars, Mount Everest vs Aircraft

Giving azaan to a new born baby

Calling out the Azaan in the Musjid

Performing the Sunnats of Zuhr at home before Azaan

Advice on Mahr and Marriage Ring After Divorce Without ‘Talaq’ from Saudi Husband

Performing Asr Salaah before azaan

Difference between Azaan and Iqaamah

Replying to Multiple Azaans: How Many Times Should We Recite the Dua?

Making an announcement in the Musjid regarding the sighting of the moon

Validity of Azaan Before Salaah Time: Shar’ee Ruling

Is it Okay to Call Azaan Before Prayer Time?

Obligation of Prayer in Masjid: Understanding the Context of Ahadeeth

Money received before one’s zakaat date

Masturbating in a dream

Clarification Needed: Silent Salaah and Double Adhaan on Jumu’ah Day