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When does it become obligatory for a girl to wear the hijab and when does it become obligatory

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

When does it become obligatory for a girl to wear the hijab and when does it become obligatory for a boy to cover his nakedness (‘awrah)?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate

It is obligatory for a girl to conceal herself from men who are not close relatives when she is old enough to be considered desirable by men of sound nature. [This occurs] before puberty [and at this age] she is just like a woman who has reached puberty [in terms of wearing the hijab].

As for boys, it is obligatory to cover his private parts from those who do not take care of him (by cleaning him, etc.). I haven’t seen anyone explicitly mention anything regarding what is between his navel and knees but it seems to me that he is commanded to cover this when he reaches seven years of age, provided he has also reached the age of discernment (tamyiz). This is based on [the jurists’] saying that he is commanded to perform obligatory matters at this age.

Amjad Rasheed

(Translated by Sidi Hamza Karamali)

السؤال : متى يجب أن تلبس البنتُ الحجاب ؟ ومتى يجب للولد أن يستر عورته ؟ الجواب : يجب على البنت أن تحتجب عن الرجال الأجانب إذا بلغت سناً تُشتهى فيه عادةً عند ذوي الطباع السليمة قبل البلوغ فتكون كالكبيرة البالغة . أما الذكرُ فيجب سترُ فرجيه عمن لا يتعهده بالتنظيف وغيره ، أما غيرُ الفرجين مما بين السرة والركبة فلم أرَ من صرح فيه بشيء لكن الذي يظهر لي أنه يؤمر بستر ذلك وهو ابنُ سبع سنين إن كان مميزاً أخذاً مما قالوه من وجوب أمره بالواجبات عند ذلك ، والله أعلم .


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