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Thinking of Women to do away with Sexual Desire?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Is it permissible for a man to bring to mind images of women with the intention of doing away with sexual desire?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

What Shaykh Ibn Hajar deemed reliable in the Tuhfa is that this is not forbidden. However, if [h: the one doing so] is determined that if able to, he will commit fornication with her, then [h: such thoughts are] forbidden.

That having been said, what is superior is for a Muslim to occupy his thoughts with acts of obedience and his tongue with the remembrance of Allah, for these two things are (if Allah wills) guaranteed to repel evil thoughts from him.

This is based on what Shaykh Ibn Hajar has related in the Tuhfa from Ibn al-Hajj al-Maliki that he related from some scholars who said that the like of what has been mentioned in the question is recommended and the one who does so will be rewarded, for he thereby guards his religion. He said, “One of our late scholars deemed this to be correct when one has a valid intention, meaning that one fears that one’s heart will become attached to her. He supported this position by what has been related in the rigorously authenticated hadith which commands the one who sees a woman he likes to have intercourse with his wife.” Ibn Hajar then goes on to say, “This position is problematic because getting addicted to such imagination will cause some attachment to the image [h: of the woman] to remain, so it incites attachment instead of doing away with it. The only thing that does away with it is to forget her appearance and thoughts of her, even if this is only done gradually, until eventually he becomes completely unattached to her.”

(Translated by Sidi Hamza Karamali)

السؤال : هل يجوز أن يتخيل الرجل صور النساء في ذهنه بنية إذهاب الشهوة ؟ الجواب : الذي اعتمده الشيخُ ابن حجر في “التحفة” أن ذلك لا يحرم ، نعم إن صمم على أنه يزني بها لو ظفر بها كان حراماً ، لكن الأولى للمسلم اشغال فكره بالطاعة ولسانه بالذكر فهما كفيلان إن شاء الله تعالى بدفع وساوس السوء عنه ، على أن الشيخ ابن حجر نقل في “التحفة” عن ابن الحاج المالكي أنه نقل عن بعض العلماء في مثل ما ذكر في السؤال: أنه يستحب فيؤجر عليه ; لأنه يصون به دينه . قال : واستقربه بعضُ المتأخرين منا إذا صح قصدُه بأن خشي تعلقها بقلبه واستأنس له بما في الحديث الصحيح مِنْ أَمْرِ مَن رأى امرأة فأعجبته أنه يأتي امرأته فيواقعها . قال ابن حجر :” وفيه نظر ; لأن إدمان ذلك التخيل يُـبْقي له تعلقاً ما بتلك الصورة فهو باعثٌ على التعلق بها لا أنه قاطع له ، وإنما القاطع له تناسي أوصافها وخطورها بباله ولو بالتدريج حتى ينقطع تعلقه بها رأساً “. اهـ

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