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Leaving a sunna because of others’ objections 

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Should we leave a sunna, such as not dragging the hem of one’s garment, fearing the objections of the ignorant?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The basic principle is that fear of the ignoramus’ objections is not an excuse for leaving sunnas. However, some scholars have noted that some sunnas pertaining to local custom can be left aside for that reason.

An example is dyeing the hair. In rigorously authenticated hadiths, it has been established that the Prophet, peace be upon him, used to dye his hair, but nonetheless, some of the companions did not dye their hair. According to Hafiz Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bari, “There is a difference of opinion in using hair dye or leaving it. Abu Bakr, Umar, and others dyed their hair. `Ali, Ubayy ibn Ka`b, Salamah ibn Al-Akwa`, Anas, and many others did not. And Tabari has gathered that those who dyed their hair did so because it suited them, such as those whose white hair was unbecoming. And those who left it did so because it suited them, such as those whose white hair was not unbecoming. Generally, however, dyeing the hair is preferable because in it is the fulfillment of the command to be different from the People of the Book, as well as protection of the hair from dust and other things. The exception to this is: if it is not the custom of the land to dye the hair, and the one who does so stands out and becomes known for it, then it is better for him to leave it.”

Dragging the hem of one’s garment below the ankles is not unlawful as long as the intention is not arrogance, as stated in the rigorously authenticated hadith, if such is not the intent, then it is disliked. But if the garment is just above the ankles, there is nothing disliked about it. The sunna is to wear the garment to mid-calf, however, it has been finally narrated from Al-Fath that if it is the custom of the land is to leave this practice [f: namely, wearing the garment to mid-calf], and the one who does so stands out and becomes known for it, then it is better for him to leave it. And Allah knows best.

Amjad Rasheed

[Translated by Sr. Zaynab Ansari]

السؤال : هل نترك سنةً مثل ترك الإسبال مخافةَ اعتراض الجهال ؟ الجواب : الأصل أن الخوف من اعتراض الجهال ليس بعذر في ترك السنن ، لكن ذكر بعضُ العلماء في بعض السنن التي ترتبط بالأعراف أنها تتركُ لأجل ذلك ، ومثالُها الخضابُ فقد صحت الأحاديث بأنه صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يختضب ، ومع هذا فقد ترك بعض الصحابة الخضاب ، قال الحافظ ابن حجر في “فتح الباري” :” وقد اختلف في الخضب وتركه ، فخضب أبو بكر وعمر وغيرهما كما تقدَّم , وترك الخضاب عليّ وأُبَيّ بن كعب وسلمة بن الأَكْوَع وأنس وجماعة , وجمع الطَّبريُّ بأنَّ من صبغ منهم كان اللائق به كمن يستشنع شيـبُه , ومن ترك كان اللائق به كمن لا يستشنع شيـبُه , … ولكنَّ الخضابَ مطلقاً أولى لأنه فيه امتثال الأَمر في مخالفة أهل الكتاب وفيه صيانة الشَّعر عن تعلُّق الغبار وغيره به , إلا إن كان من عادة أهل البلد تركُ الصَّبْغ وأنَّ الَّذي ينفردُ بدونهم بذلك يصير في مقام الشُّهْرة فالتَّركُ في حقّه أولى “. اهـ وإسبالُ الثوب تحت الكعبين لا يكون محرماً إلا إن قصد به الخيلاء كما في الحديث الصحيح ، وإلا كان مكروهاً ، أما إن كان الثوبُ فوق الكعبين ولو قليلاً فلا كراهةَ فيه ، لكن السنة أن يكون إلى نصفِ الساق ، لكن قد يؤخذ من كلام “الفتح” المنقول آخراً أنه إن كان من عادة أهل البلد ترك ذلك وأن الذي ينفرد بدونهم بذلك يصير في مقام الشهرة فالترك في حقه أولى ، والله أعلم .


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