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Proof of when to raise the finger in the prayer      

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Is there a hadith proving that we should raise our finger at “Illa Llah” as the Shafi’is do? Or is it a reprehensible innovation?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

It has been confirmed in rigorously authenticated hadiths that he, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, used to point with his finger in the tashahhud position. And these hadiths have not shown us the time that he used to do this, so the scholars differed about it. What our imams have decided is that it is raised at the saying “Illa Llah”, because the indication means the oneness (of God), so it is appropriate to raise it at the word of oneness.

Bayhaqi has related in his Sunan, “that the Prophet, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, used to point with it for oneness.” However there is an unknown narration in the hadith, as Imam al-Nawawi said in the Majmu`. However, it is still drawn upon, and the matter is actually very expansive, since there is no text about it that would prevent examination and ijtihad.

Amjad Rasheed

[Translated by Sr. Shazia Ahmad]

السؤال : هل يوجد حديثٌ يُفيد صحةَ ما يفعله الشافعية في الصلاة من رفع السبّابة عند الهمزة من “إلا الله” ، أم أنها بدعة ؟ الجواب : ثبت بالأحاديث الصحيحة أنه صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يشير بأصبعه في التشهد ولم تبين الأحاديثُ وقت هذه الإشارة ، فاختلف فيه العلماء ، والذي قرره أئمتُنا أنه يرفعُها عند قوله في التشهد ( إلا الله ) ؛ لأن الإشارة دلالةٌ على التوحيد فناسب رفعها عند كلمة التوحيد ؛ وقد روى البيهقي في سننه :” أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يشير بها للتوحيد”. لكنْ في الحديث مجهولٌ كما قال الإمام النووي في “المجموع” لكن يُستأنس به ، والأمرُ في ذلك واسعٌ إذ ليس في المسألة نصٌّ يمنع النظر والاجتهاد فيها .

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