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Ensuring that one does not sleep with soiled hands

Seeking forgiveness for one’s self and the believers daily

A query regarding Dajjal’s donkey

A description of Dajjal’s donkey from a Shi’i source

An unreliable narration on the virtue of buying something for one’s family and carrying it

Ishaq ibn Rahuyah (rahimahullah) marries a woman due to her collection of books

The Hadith of Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (radiyallahu ‘anhu) on the signs of Qiyamah

A person’s needs will be fulfilled by sending salutations upon Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)

The sin of engaging in anal intercourse

Reciting Surah Zilzal twice

Meaning of the term ‘جاز القنطرة/He has crossed the bridge’

1000 palaces in Jannah

Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) waits for three days

The virtue of farming and planting

Another version of the Hadith on a person becoming pleased with good deeds