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Is my Husband’s Step Father my Mahram

Combining the Farewell Tawaf and Tawafu Ziyarah

Can I Give Zakat to a Widower When I Don’t Know About Her Financial Situation

Can an Asian Man Marry a Sayyidah

Please Can You Calculate My Wife’s Zakah

Can I Give My Zakat Money to a Widower?

Is Kite Flying Haram?

Is it Permissible to Recite Dua-e-Qunoot and Dua of Shaykh Sudais in Witr?

Praying Salah with only the Nose or Forehead on the Ground – Is the Salah Valid?

Cremating Dead Animals

Hadith about Women, Intelligence and Religion

Mistaking the Number of Rakaats of Salah one needs to Pray in Hajj

What to do if a Monthly Habit of 7 days Increases to 9 Days

Was Aisha (rd) Murdered?

Is it Permissible to Create Digital Sprites of Non-Existential Beings?