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Is Zakat due on the packaging used in sales?

Is Qurbani necessary for a young teenager with a Child Trust Fund but no other funds?

Shariah Interpretations of Bitcoin

Is there a Zakat levy on one’s Bitcoin holdings?

Is Retail Forex Trading Shariah Compliant?

Is Zakat due on money lent to my brother?

Is Zakat due on money saved to buy a house?

How do I calculate the value of my gold jewellery for Zakat?

Can an overpayment of Zakat be considered an advance payment for subsequent years?

Can I give Zakat in the form of items and goods needed by recipients?

Is it Permissible to Invest in a Property Fund and What is the Zakat Liability on Such a Fund?

Can a husband pay Zakat on behalf of his wife?

Does a Valid Sale Require Price Display?

Do I pay Zakat on the annual salary that I earn?

Is it Disliked to Slaughter Qurbani Animals at Night?