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Are Masa’il different and in opposition to the mizaj of Shari`ah?

Is it permissible to wear snakeskin belts?

Is it permissible to rent a property to one who sells cigarettes? Can I have shares in a cigarette manufacturing company? Can I sell cigarettes?

Mufti Ebrahim Desai is a prominent South African Mufti of Indian origin- and a teacher of Islamic … of Madrasah In’aamiyyah. Is his fatwa reliable?


I want to Know to whom the following terms can be used.

Keeping track of working hours

Can Dua alter Destiny (Taqdeer)?

Can a debt be conditionally absolved with one’s death?

Suffering from severe waswasa and doubts

Verses relating to Hijaab

Can a Non-Muslim contribute towards building a Masjid

Talaaq issued under IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder)

Can a curtain be used as a Sutrah?

Is it permissible to feed people who assisted in the Qabrastaan?