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Infiradi Taraweeh

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org


In one masjid, there is an Imam of Taraweeh who does masah on thin cotton socks. Is it permissible to pray taraweeh by yourself in this situation?

Sometimes he does not have socks on, but he shaves his beard, hangs his pants below his ankles, does not cover his head, and wears American clothing. Is it better to read Taraweeh by oneself in this situation or is it better to read behind him.

الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

1) The وضوء (Wudu) of a person doing مسح (wiping wet hand) on customary cotton, woolen, and nylon socks is not correct in any مسلک (حنفی، مالکی، شافعی اور حنبلی وغیرہ)  (School of Jurisprudence, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafa’I, Hanbli) and to pray behind such Imam is not correct either. If anyone prayed behind such Imam then he must redo his Salat. Therefore, it would be better if it is possible you should make Jamat with two, three friends otherwise pray Faraid and Taraweeh individually.

2) Similarly if a person has such characteristics as described in the question (other than doing مسح on the socks) then it is also not permissible to make such person an Imam. It is not correct to follow such Imam in Taraweeh either, rather it is better that one should make his own Jamaat with few friends with small Surahs otherwise he should pray individually.

NOTE: The second answer is related to Taraweeh not the Faraid.  

ولا یجوز المسح علی الجورب الرقیق من غزل أو شعر بلا خلاف ولو کان ثخینا یمشي معہ فرسخًا فصاعدا فعلی الخلاف (البحر الرائق: 1/192، ط دیوبند) فإن کانا رقیقین یشفّان الماء لا یجوز المسح علیھما بالإجماع (بدائع: 1/83/ ط زکریا دیوبند)

والذي یمیل إلیہ عدم کراہة الاقتداء بالمخالف ما لم یکن غیر مراع في الفرائض (رد المحتار)

ولو قدموا فاسقاً یأثمون بناء علی أن کراہۃ تقدیمہ کراہۃ تحریم۔ (حلبي کبیر ۵۱۳)

فإن أمکن الصلاۃ خلف غیرہم فہو أفضل، وإلا فالاقتداء أولی من الإنفراد۔ (شامي ۱؍۵۵۹)

صلیٰ خلف فاسق أو مبتدع أو نال فضل الجماعۃ؛ لٰکن لا ینال کما ینال خلف تقي ورع۔ (الفتاویٰ الہندیۃ ۱؍۸۴)

واللہ اعلم بالصواب

This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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