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Usage of thick textured cosmetics

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org

I want to ask about lipsticks that  have very good texture such that they don’t come out even after eating greasy food that  of those lipsticks contain no animal fat but a little amount of alcohol, will it be Hala if I use them on my lips? I also want to ask that can we  use other cosmetics like foundation, powder etc when these substances have alcohol in them ? I don’t offer salah while wearing these cosmetics, I offer either before applying them or after removing them.So is it okay if I use these cosmetics?

Nowadays there are many cosmetics brands trending with Hala certification for thier cosmetics. It’s one of these brands, named Iba Halal. These brand is owned by two sikh ladies.These brand Iba halaI is not owned by muslims.I bought a foundation from these brand which has perfume in it ,not alcohol or any animal component.Peefume  has alcohol in it. So, is this foundation really halal? 

One of my friends bought some cosmetics from a brand named Huda Beauty having Halal certification with it  when it is having alcohol in it. Alcohol is mentioned in it’s ingredients. 

Do these brands really take permission from ulama ekraam?

How far is actually usage of such cosmetics correct according to the shariah even if I don’t offer salah while wearing these kind of cosmetics? Apart from cosmetics we have alcohol in our moisturizers, sanitizers etc. What about thier usage?

I read it  that alcohol comes under those unclean things (najasate galeeza) that when it is on a person’s clothes/body is salah is not acceptable. So if it is that bad thing then how far is my usage correct/okay?

الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

  1. The first point is this that we don’t have research about any brands whether their products are Halalor Haram, therefore, the Fatwa of them being Halal or Haram with the brand names cannot be given.  
  2. The products inquired about which are used externally only whether those are lipsticks or powder or foundation or lotion or perfume, if those contain alcohol then as alcohol nowadays is produced from sources other than the grapes and wine, therefore, there is room for applying these products on the face, and while applying them the Salaatwill also be correct.

        However, if the alcohol is produced from grapes or wine then its use is not permissible.

  1. If the lipstick, lotion, make up powder, or foundation is such that it prevents the water to reach the face or the body then while applying them it’s not correct to make Wuduor pray Salaat. If the Wudu or Ghusl (mandatory shower) is required then it will be necessary to first clean them and then to do the Wudu or Ghusl, after that the Salaat would be correct.
  2. Those lipsticks, foundation etc. in which the pork fat is included and it is confirmed then their use will not be permissible, except that during production of these products the nature of pork is changed.

وإن معظم الکحول التي تستعمل الیوم في الأدویۃ والعطور وغیرہا لا تتخذ من العنب، والتمر، إنما تتخذ من الحبوب، أوالقشور أو البترول وغیرہ، کما ذکرنا في باب بیع الخمر من کتاب البیوع، وحینئذ ہناک فسحۃ في الأخذ بقول أبي حنیفۃ رحمہ اللّٰہ عند عموم البلوی۔ (تکملۃ فتح الملہم ۳؍۶۰۸)

وأما غیر الأشربۃ الأربعۃ فلیست بجنسہ عند الإمام أبي حنیفۃ، وبہٰذا تبین حکم الکحول المسکرۃ التي عمت بہا البلویٰ؛ فإنہا تستعمل في کثیر من الأدویۃ والعطور والمرکبات الأخری؛ فإنہا إن اتخذت من العنب أوالتمر فلا سبیل إلیٰ حلتہا أوطہارتہا، وإن اتخذت من غیرہما فالأمر فیہا سہل علی مذہب أبي حنیفۃ ولا یحرم استعمالہا للتداوي أو لأغراض مباحۃ أخریٰ ما لم تبلغ حد الإسکار؛ لأنہا إنما تستعمل مرکبۃ مع المواد الأخری ولا یحکم بنجاستہا أخذًا بقول أبي حنیفۃ۔ (تکملۃ فتح الملہم ۳؍۶۰۸ مکتبۃ دار العلوم کراچی)

والقسم الثالث: الأشربۃ المسکرۃ الأخریٰ غیرالأقسام الأربعۃ – إلیٰ قولہ – حکم ہٰذا القسم عند أبي حنیفۃ وأبي یوسف أنہ لایحرم منہ شرب القلیل الذي لا یسکر، وإنما یحرم منہ القدر المسکر۔ (تکملۃ فتح الملہم ۳؍۶۰۰ المکتبۃ الأشرفیۃ دیوبند)

ولا یمنع الطہارۃ ونیم وحناء ودرن ووسخ وتراب في ظفر مطلقا ولا یمنع ما علی ظفر صباغ۔ وقیل: إن صلبا منع وہو الأصح۔ (درمختار) أي إن کان ممضوغا مضغا متأکدا بحیث تداخلت أجزاؤہ وصار لزوجۃ وعلاکۃ کالعجین…، وقال: الامتناع نفوذ الماء مع عدم الضرورۃ والحرج۔ (شامي ۱؍۲۸۸-۲۸۹ زکریا)شرط صحتہ أي الوضوء زوال ما یمنع وصول الماء إلی الجسد کشمع شحم۔ (مراقي الفلاح مع الطحطاوي ۶۲ أشرفیۃ) 

واللہ اعلم بالصواب

This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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