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What should I do with food from non-practicing Muslim Turkish neighbor who claims it’s halal?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Muftisays.com
This question is regarding food given by unbeliveble neighbours.
I have a neighbour that is tukish but is NOT a practicing muslim, however she sends food to our house saying that it is halaal. in this case what should i do with the food?

Assalamu alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Respected Sister Zainub,

I pray that this finds you well, and in the best of health and spirits.
May Allah grant you health, well being, and all good and success in
this life and the next.

Please can you explain why they are “unbeliveble neighbours”? Is a non practising Muslim a disbeliever?

If she says it is Halaal, on what basis do you contend it is not Halaal?

Many people in our communities are not practising but we never have
doubt on their foods so explain to me what the basis of doubting her
food is then we will answer Insha-Allah Ta’ala.

Jazakallahu Khayran Ahsanul Jaza Wa Alaykum Salaam Warah Matullahi Wabarakatuh

(Mufti) Abdullah Patel
Halal Food Guide

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This answer was collected from MuftiSays.com, based in London (UK). It is one of the fruits of Darul Uloom London. Many ‘ulama are involved in answering the Q&A on the site, including: Shaikul Hadeeth Mufti Umar Farooq Sahib, Mufti Saifur Rahman Sahib, Mufti Abdullah Patel Sahib, Maulana Qamruz Zaman Sahib, Mufti Abu Bakr Karolia Sahib.