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How to Seek Allah’s Forgiveness and Conceal Your Mistakes

Q: I did something bad and have made sincere tawbah. As of right now, I have not repeated it. I was wondering if there is anything I can do (dua’ or action or anything else…) to make Allah conceal this mistake so as to protect me from the embarrassment and humiliation of it being exposed? Please give me sincere advice and make dua’ for me.


A: The tawbah should be in accordance to the sin one has committed. If the sin relates to the rights of Allah Ta’ala, then one should sincerely repent to Allah Ta’ala and make a firm resolve that one will not return to the sin in the future. If the sin relates to the rights of the servant, e.g. one had cheated or robbed someone, then together with seeking forgiveness from Allah Ta’ala, one should return the stolen property to the person one had cheated.

And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

يـٰأَيُّهَا الَّذينَ ءامَنوا توبوا إِلَى اللَّـهِ تَوبَةً نَصوحًا عَسىٰ رَبُّكُم أَن يُكَفِّرَ عَنكُم سَيِّـٔاتِكُم وَيُدخِلَكُم جَنّـٰتٍ تَجرى مِن تَحتِهَا الأَنهـٰرُ يَومَ لا يُخزِى اللَّـهُ النَّبِىَّ وَالَّذينَ ءامَنوا مَعَهُ ۖ نورُهُم يَسعىٰ بَينَ أَيديهِم وَبِأَيمـٰنِهِم يَقولونَ رَبَّنا أَتمِم لَنا نورَنا وَاغفِر لَنا ۖ إِنَّكَ عَلىٰ كُلِّ شَىءٍ قَديرٌ ﴿التحريم: ٨﴾

ولهذا قال العلماء: التوبة النصوح هو أن يُقلعَ عن الذنب في الحاضر، ويندمَ على ما سلف منه في الماضي، ويعزِم على ألا يفعل في المستقبل. ثم إن كان الحق لآدمي ردّه إليه بطريقه.

قال الإمام أحمد: حدثنا سفيان، عن عبد الكريم، أخبرني زياد بن أبي مريم، عن عبد الله بن مَعقِل قال: دخلت مع أبي عَلى عبد الله بن مسعود فقال: أنت سمعت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: “الندم توبة؟”. قال: نعم. وقال مَرَة: نعم سمعته يقول: “الندم توبة”. (ابن كثير)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

This answer was collected from MuftiOnline.co.za, where the questions have been answered by Mufti Zakaria Makada (Hafizahullah), who is currently a senior lecturer in the science of Hadith and Fiqh at Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen, Isipingo Beach, South Africa.

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