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Hadith in Friday Khutbah

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah
Assalamualaikum Respected Scholar & Representatives of  Islam,
The Esteemed Khateebs  and Imams throughout the world recite the following Hadith almost every Friday and I hope you can explain it in details:
“The best of people/mankind is my generation, then those that follow them, then those that follow them”
  1. Where is this Hadith located?
  2. What is the  Hadith trying to convey to us?
  3. What does “my generation” mean? Is it the era before the demise or after the demise of the Prophet (SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM) ?
  4. What does “then those that follow them” mean? Is it the era of Companions or Taabi’een?
  5. What does “then those that follow them” mean?
  6. Can you please give information about each generation? When did it began? When did it end? Who were they?
  7. Who was the Last Companion of The Prophet? when was his demise?
  8. Who was the Last Taabi’ee? When was his demise?
  9. Who was the last Tab’u-Taabi’een?
  10. Can you please recommend any books on this subject?





1.      The Hadith you refer to in your question is found in Saheeh Bukhari, vol. 1, page 115 and Saheeh Muslim, vol. 2, page 309.

2.      Allamah Hajar Al-Asqalani, while commenting on this Hadith states that Nabi (S.A.W.) is drawing our attention to the merits held by the Sahabah by classifying the time in which they lived as the best of ages. They were awarded with this virtue due to their close relationship with Nabi (S.A.W.). No action is weightier in reward than an act carried out in the prophet’s time while in his company.

3.      The words “My generation” is referring to the era in which the Sahabah lived.

“Then those who follow them” is referring to the Taabi’een, those who were fortunate enough to see the Sahabah.

“Then those to follow them.” They are known as the Tab-u-Taabi’een, those who saw the Taabi’een.

There are two methods adopted while calculating the period of each era.   If the first era is calculated from the time of prophet hood, then it would have lasted for a period of approximately 120 years, and if calculated from the time of death of the beloved Nabi (S.A.W.), then it would have either worked out to 100, 97 or 90 years. The difference in calculation is due to the different opinions held by the Ulamaa with regards to the exact date of the demise of the last Sahabi.  As for the second era, that of the Taabi’een, if calculated from 100 years (the end of the first era), then it would have lasted for approximately 80 to 70 years.

The time of the Tab-u-Taabi’een lasted for a period of 50 years.

There is consensus, however, that the last Tab-u-Taabi’een passed away after a period of 220 years i.e. the combination of all three generations is equal to approximately 220 years. It is after this period of time that Fitnah became widespread, as prophesised by Nabi (S.A.W.) in the Hadith.

The last Sahabi was commonly known as Abu Tufail (R.A.). His name was ‘Aamir bin Waathilah bin Abdullah. He passed away in the 100th year of Hijrah.

We have not come across the names of the last Tabi’ee and Tab-u-Taabi’een.  (Fathul Baari, Vol. 7, Page 5-6, Takmilatu Fathul Mulhim, Vol. 5, Page 303-304, Siyaru I’laamin Nubalaa, Vol. 4, Page 534.)

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Ebrahim bin Zainul Abedeen Backus

Attested to as correct by

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah


09 March 2005

28 Muharram 1426

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