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Ta’ziyah After Burial

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah


Q1-When a person passes away the time of Ta’ziyah three days is it straight after a person passes away or does the three days start after burial because in this country the burial takes place one or two days or some times even more after the person has passed away?           

 Q2-If a person passes away and is buried after three days then how is it to make Ta’ziyah after burial?



Ta’ziyah (offering condolences) should be done within three days from the time the person passes away, regardless of when the burial takes place.  (Haashiyatut Tahtaawi, Page 339)

However if a person was on a journey due to which he was unable to make Ta’ziyah or was only informed of the death after three days, then it will be permissible for him to make Ta’ziyah after the three days.  (Raddul Muhtaar, Vol. 1, Page 665)

The burial should not be delayed unnecessarily as it comes in a Hadith reported by Ali (R.A.) that the Prophet (S.A.W.) once said:  “Do not delay in three things, Salaah when its time has set in, burial when the bier is ready and marriage of a solitary woman when her match is found.”  (Mishkaat, Page 61)

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Qasim bin Hashim Limbada

Attested to as correct by:

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah


08 April 2004

17 Safar 1425

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