Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Mahmoodiyah » Question: I found following q & a on www.ask-Islam.com regarding Hajj.  ******* Q I am Hanafi I am going to hajj Insha-Allah on 11th January, which hajj is best suited for me, as I have to stay for around15 days before hajj. Jazakallah

Question: I found following q & a on www.ask-Islam.com regarding Hajj.  ******* Q I am Hanafi I am going to hajj Insha-Allah on 11th January, which hajj is best suited for me, as I have to stay for around15 days before hajj. Jazakallah

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah


I found following q & a on www.ask-Islam.com regarding Hajj.


Q I am Hanafi I am going to hajj Insha-Allah on 11th January, which hajj is best suited for me, as I have to stay for around15 days before hajj.


Answer :According to my understanding, you reside in Saudi Arabia. In principle, you can only perform Ifraad Hajj. You cannot perform Umrah in the months of Thul-Hajj if you intend performing Hajj as that is only for an Aafaqi (person residing outside Saudi Arabia).  In brief, you cannot perform Tamattu or Qiraan Hajj.

And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Why above person in above q&a cannot do Tamattu or Qiraan hajj. ?


My question is

 1. Did I did right thing.

 a. I am also Hanafi working in Saudi Arabia. First time I went for hajj 2 yrs back on 6th of Thul Hajj with Niyyah of hajj e Qiraan. Is it ok ?

b. I threw stones before Zawaal thinking Zawaal time is over on 11th by mistake. Where as we have to throw stones on 11, 12 after Zawaal. Do I have to give Damm or Kaffaarah

c. This year again I am going for hajj e Badal for my late father Insha-Allah leaving Riyadh on 5th or 6th of Thul hajj , which Hajj should I do. Can I do Hajj E Ifraad.

2. My mother and brother who have arrived Mecca for Hajj e Tamattu on 15th December 2004 will leave for India on 27th January.  I want to ask whether my mother and brother can do Tawaaf al Widaa after doing Tawaaf Al-lfaadha and Sa’ee on 11th or 12th Thul Hajj itself which will be probably on 20 or 21st January as after coming from mina to Makkah ,during last 3 days of their tour they will be staying at hotel which is away from Haram i.e. in Aziziyah area till their departure on 26th January. Or they will have to come for Tawaaf al Widaa one day before leaving for Jeddah

3. Similarly some tour operator leaves mina for Arafat on 9th before sunrise in order to avoid rush. Is it Ok and if not then is there any Kaffaarah to be given for leaving mina for Arafat before sun rise.





1)      Any person who lives out of the Meeqaat, whether it be in Saudi Arabia e.g. Riyadh, he can perform Qiraan and Tamattu. On the other hand, that person who stays in the Haram or Hill cannot perform Qiraan and Tamattu.

2)      It is okay if you are residing out of the Hill i.e. in Riyadh and you had gone for          

Hajj-e-Qiraan from Riyadh in the months of Hajj.

b)      You have to give one Damm for the Rami of the 11th Thil Hijjah.

c)       Yes you can perform Hajj-e-Ifraad.

3)      Your mother and brother can perform Tawaaful Widaa’ after Tawaaful Ifaadhah, by doing so they do not have to perform another Tawaaful Widaa’ a day before proceeding towards Jeddah. However it is better to make the Tawaaful Widaa’ before leaving for Jeddah, if possible.

4)      One does not have to give any Kaffaarah for leaving Mina on the 9th of Thil Hijjah before sunrise.    

And Allah Ta’ala knows best    

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah


03 January 2005

22 Thul Qa’dah 1425

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