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Rewards of Jummuah

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Fatwaa.com

Assalaamu Alaikum

When searching for the Hadith which mentions reward for one year of fasting and praying for every step on the blessed day of Jumu’ah, I found two different translations. What is the exact wording of the Hadith or are they two different ones? Maybe you can post the original matn in Arabic.

SOURCE #1: Islam Q&A (Shaykh Muhammad al-Munajjid)

It was narrated from Aws ibn Aws al-Thaqafi that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever does ghusl on Friday and causes (his wife) to do ghusl, and sets out early, and comes close to the imam and listens and keeps quiet, for every step he takes he will have the
reward of fasting and praying qiyaam for one year.”

Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 496; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 410

SOURCE #2: Jumu’ah & Eid Salah (Maulana Ashraf ‘Ali Thanvi)

Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said : “The person who has a bath on Friday and goes early to the musjid on foot, and not by a vehicle, listens to the khutbah and does not do any foolish act while it is being delivered, will get the reward of one year’s ibaadah, one year’s fasting, and one year’s
salaat; for every step that he takes.” (Tirmidhi)

I have some questions, if the Hadith’s wording is according to source #1:

1) Would this exclude un-married brothers from the reward mentioned in the Hadith?

2) Can causing your wife to do ghusl happen on any time from Thursday evening till the Jumu’ah prayer?

Jazak’Allah khayr.


Wa’alaykum as Salām waraḥmatullāhi wa barakātuhu,

The exact text of the narration is as follows:

عن أوس بن أوس الثقفى سمعت رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يقول « من غسل يوم الجمعة واغتسل ثم بكر وابتكر ومشى ولم يركب ودنا من الإمام فاستمع ولم يلغ كان له بكل خطوة عمل سنة أجر صيامها وقيامها ». (أخرجه أبى داود سننه – (1 / 136) والترمذي سننه- (2 / 367)

In light of this, the first translation seems more correct. As for the response to your queries….

1) Depending on the meaning of the words ightasala and ghassala. Majority mention that this refers to having intercourse, for it will calm down ones passions and aid him in guarding his gaze. However, other meanings are:

a) He performs ablution, then ghusl

b) He takes special precaution when washing his hair.

However, the first meaning is more preferred and hence it will refer to only married males. In that case, non married males can practice on the following narration:

عن أبي هريرة قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم من توضأ فأحسن الوضوء ثم أتى الجمعة فدنا واستمع وأنصت غفر له ما بينه وبين الجمعة وزيادة ثلاثة أيام ومن مس الحصى فقد لغا قال أبو عيسى هذا حديث حسن صحيح (أخرجه الترمذي – (2 / 371)

2) Yes, it refers to anytime from Thursday evening to Jummu’āh prayers..

قوله: ” من غسل يوم الجمعة واغتسل ” رُوي مخففاً ومشدداً، ومن خفف قال: معناه وطئ امرأة قبل الخروج إلى الصلاة؛ لأنه يجمع غض البصر، يقال: غسل الرجل امرأته، وغسلها- مخففاً ومشدداً- إذا جامعها، وفحل غُسَله: إذا كان كثير الضراب، ومن شدد قال: معناه: غسل غيره؛ واغتسل هو؛ لأنه إذا جامع امرأته أحوجها إلى الغُسل. وقيل: أراد بـ ” غسل ” غَسل أعضائه للوضوء، ثم اغتسل بعد ذلك للجمعة. وقيل: معنى ” غسل ” غسل الرأس خاصة؛ لأن العرب لهم لمم وشعور، وفي غسلها مؤنة، فأفرد ذكر الرأس لذلك. و ” اغتسل ” غسل سائر جسده. وقيل: معناهما واحد، وكررهما للتأكيد، كما قال: ” مشى ولم يركب ” . (شرح أبي داود للعيني – (2 / 167)

And Allaah Ta’aala knows best
Ismail Moosa (Mufti)
Iftaa Department,
Euro-Sunni & Islamic Research and Welfare Academy

This answer was collected from Fatwaa.com which is an excellent Q&A site managed by Mufti Ismail Moosa from South Africa. .

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