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Can we offer nafil namaaz or sajdas between Asar and Maghrib?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulifta-Deoband.com
Assalamualaikum.. I have some questions, plz help me in them.. 1. When a person is travelling, he has to offer namaaz e Qasr.. What is the minimum distance of the journey after which he can be able to offer qasr.? If one gets to offer namaaz with jamaat while travelling, what shud he do.? And if he has already offered qasr namaaz and later sees that the namaaz is starting with jamaat, what shud he do.? 2. In the tashahud of the 2nd rakaat of every 4 rakaat namaaz, we have to read Attahayat and soon after Ashaduallah…. we have to get up for the 3rd rakaat without reading darood.. Why is it so that we shud not read darood here.? And take for example we join the jamaat in the 3rd rakaat, in the 4th rakaat’s tashahud of jamaat, it will be our 2nd rakaat.. So in this, while everyone is reading atahayat, darood and dua, shud we also read the complete or we shud stop at ashaduallah…. ? 3. In fajr, after offering faraz namaaz we shud not offer any namaaz or sajda till ishrakh.. Is it the same in asar.? Or can we offer any nafil namaaz or do sajdas till 15 mins prior to magrib namaaz.?


(Fatwa: 1602/L=454/tl=1431)

(1) If he intends to travel to a journey of 77.25 km [or more], it will be necessary for him to offer qasr salah.
(2) After crossing the area of town or village, the rulings of musafir (traveller) will be in force and qasr will be wajib on him thereafter.
(3) During the journey too, one can offer salah with jama’ah. If the imam is muqim (one who is residing at his own place) and the musafir is praying behind him, the musafir will have to offer the salah of four rakah as four. If the musafir offered qasr salah, he fulfilled the obligation. If after offering salah, he finds jama’ah going on, it is not necessary for him to join the jama’ah. However, if that salah is of Zuhar or Isha he can join it, if he wishes, with the intention of nafl.
(4) It is proved to recite only tashahhud in the first qa’dah (sitting) of four rakah salah. Hence, it is not right to exceed it. The ruling regarding the case you mentioned is that the masbuq should recite tashahhud in slow pace until Imam finishes the salah with salam. 
(5) It is forbidden to offer nafl salah from the dawn to sunrise and after Asr salah till sunset, but it is not prohibited to offer fardh or qaza salah.
(6) What do you mean by sajdah? Explain it and submit the question again.

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

This answer was collected from the official ifta website of Darul Uloom Deoband in India.