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How to divide deceased husband’s property under Shariah law with two wives and 14 children, no will?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulifta-Deoband.com
My husband died 6 months ago. He left his property behind without any will. My husband married with another woman who comes with 1 child. We (me and husband) have 7 children (5 sons and 2 daughters). Other wife comes with 1 daughter and she has 7 children (4 sons and 3 daughters) with my husband. Kindly guide us in the light of Shariah that how to divide his property.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

(Fatwa: 835/712/D=08/1436)

In the above mentioned case if the parents of your deceased husband have already died then after meeting the expenses of funeral and paying debts etc, if any, whatsoever remains shall be divided into 368 shares. Out of the total 23-23 shares shall go to each wife, 28-28 shares to each son while each daughter shall get 14-14 shares. The detail of Shariah division is as follows:


Wives: 2×23=046
Sons: 9×28=252
Daughter: 5×14=070

Total: 368

Allah knows Best!

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

This answer was collected from the official ifta website of Darul Uloom Deoband in India.

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