okay i have a problem. well i dont know if its problem or not. see i know that dating is haram. i dont really know why.but when i accepted islam i also accepted that dating was haram. but there is a brother(who is a revert alhamdulillah) who i said to that dating was haram. this is the response he gave me. i just want to know what he is saying is correct from islamic perspective or not:
Well dating is a broad term I guess. For me, it is essentially finding agirl with “it”, because that way I know what type of person I am getting to know. But yeah, dating for me would be getting to know her, spending time together all the normal things. Meet her parents etc … so they know who I am, and hopefully try and marry that person later down the track.
I’ve never seen the point of dating someone just for the sake of it. Seems like a waste of time. I will only “date” someone if I see potential for marriage to be honest.
Not sure what is wrong with that … ??
The pristine Shari’ah of Islam does not entertain interpretation according to our reasoning and rationale. Reasoning and rationale is not the yardstick for the acceptance of the commandments of Allah. Allah alone knows the wisdom behind his commandments and His knowledge and wisdom is perfect and complete. Allah has clearly forbidden contact between a strange man and woman. (Surah17 Verse32).
Furthermore, Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] has clearly forbidden a man to be alone with a strange woman. (Bukhari Hadith3006). Your friend should repent to Allah for using his reasoning to deny an explicit commandment of Allah.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai