Home » 2021 » March (Page 4)

Monthly Archives: March 2021

How does one dispose off Islamic literature?

How does one compensate for using an interest-based loan for a start-up business? 

How does a non-traveller complete Salaah behind a traveller?

How does one calculate the travel (Safr) distance to qualify as a traveller (Musaafir) if one has multiple travel destinations? 

How does a sick person perform Salaah lying down in bed?

How does a person deduct ones debts and liabilities when calculating missed Zakaat for previous years? 

How does a latecomer (Masbooq) complete his missed Rakaats of Maghrib Salaah? 

How do parents validate a gift of a property given to their minor children during their lifetime? 

Hosting a Walimah at a hall

Hifz & Haidh

Greeting others with the words ‘Jumuah Mubaarak’ and ‘Eid Mubaarak’

Grandparents siblings being Mahrams

Grandfathers financial responsibility towards his grandchildren

Going ahead of the Imaam in Salaah

Giving Zakaat to a person who owns a television