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Monthly Archives: November 2019

I once borrowed money from a Non-Mahram. What should i do?

Can Non-Muslims visit the masjid?

My teacher says the name ‘Farzana’ is not a good name. Is this correct?

Can we invest in mutual funds of Paytm Company in India?

I want to try my best to keep my business 100% halaal. Is this practise permissable?

Is it permissible to sit next to a non-mahram driver in the front seat of the car?

Is putting money aside with the intention of charity considered Wasiyyah?

For a bequest to be valid, is it a MUST for it to be written in a persons will?

Is free medical insurance offered by the government permissible?

Can one loan out money for someone & charge them for that service?

What if it is not known if the deceased paid Zakaat or not?

What is the measurement of a Musjid-e-Kabeer?

Who is responsible for the loss of this item?

Can a woman have a copper IUD device inserted into her uterus for the purpose of contraception?

Advice to a man who has been diagnosed with a zero sperm count and is trying for a baby