Home » Shafi'i Fiqh » Qibla.com (Page 60)

Answers indexed from: Qibla.com

Travel Dispensations and Permissible Recreational Travel

Is it offensive to leave the water running during wudu?

Using photocopy machine for personal stuff without taking permission from the administration, i

Do the Deceased Attend Dhikr Gatherings?

I am unable to guard my tongue from backbiting. What shall I do?

Assisting Others to Do Something Unlawful

Bleeding Longer than 15 Days (Abnormal Uterine Bleeding)

Are watches worn by men considered an adornment? Is one’s intention of any significance?

Women Going to the Mosque

Soaps Made from Animal Fat

Dog filth

Raising Children

Eating with hands 

Is it permissible for a woman to make i`tikaf in the masjid?

Is it permissible to pet dogs?