Home » Hanafi Fiqh » TheMufti.com (Page 21)

Answers indexed from: TheMufti.com

Can I prevent my wife from visiting her parents?

Can I use Zakaat to pay all my staff their salaries? 

Can Muslims keep dogs/puppies as pets?

Can I discharge my Zakaat by giving my customers a discount at the time of their purchase? 

Can I dispose of my friends mobile phone who uses it for Haraam purposes?

Can I dispose off interest accrued on one bank account by offsetting it on interest due on another bank account? 

Can I give extra Zakaat after I give my Zakaat for the current year?

Can I make an intention of Zakaat for a loan that I had given to a poor person five years ago?

Can adopted children give their Zakaat to their adoptive parents?

Can an accountant apply for bank loans on behalf of his client?

Can an exercise room be built adjacent to a Masjid?

Can an heir reject his/her share of inheritance and give it to others?

Can an Imaam correct a mistake made in the first Rakaat of Salaah by rectifying it in the second Rakaat of Salaah? 

Can another person make Istikhaarah for me?

Can any amount of money be given in a Khula agreement between husband and wife?