Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Darulifta-Deoband.com (Page 40)

Answers indexed from: Darulifta-Deoband.com

Can we give zakah on money earned from solar systems?

How can inheritance best be divided between siblings in an equitable way?

Can adoptive moms keep motherhood after son’s puberty & can biological daughters bond with non-bio siblings?

Can I partner with non-Muslim friend for halal earnings from their loan on my land for construction work?

Is there a wazifah that can help me with my gum disease, hair loss, and depression at 21?

Is it Shariah-acceptable to use PF money for mahr payments to one’s wife?

What are the significant events that take place during the first 10 days of Dhul al-Hajj?

Valid oath without uttering it?

What is the difference between offering salah behind Hanafi and Shafai Imam?

What are the basic rules of selling and buying according to Shariah?

What does it mean if I saw meat curry in a dream during an istikharah prayer?

Masturbating during Ramadan?

What does it mean if I saw the Sidratul Muntaha and the moon shining brightly in a dream?

Please suggest any unique name for my first newborn daughter.

Can I take a loan from a bank to study abroad if my father can’t pay?