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Answers with Tag: Women

I’tikaf: Spiritual Retreat for Women at Home?

Female Parties with Music & Dancing

Is it permitted for women to pray in circumstances which allow for passersby to see their rear

Piercing: Lips, Belly buttons, and other body parts

Silver pots  

Are women allowed to wear trousers, provided they are loose and the shirt is long?

Showering instead of full baths (ghusl) or wudu

I was surfing the net and found a website for gay (homosexual) Muslims. They claimed that the Quran says nothing about homosexuality being a sin, nor does it say anything about having sex outside marriage. They claim that the word adultery refers to a free, married woman having intercourse with someone else than her husband. I am quite confused about what they are claiming!

Can I Pray in My Pajamas?

Raising the Veils from the Fiqh of Sales

Is a weekly group dhikr an innovation?

Is it okay for brothers and sisters to chat online?

Ads for Tsunami Fundraising at Campus Hangouts Such as Bars or Pubs

Ghusl at work after menses

Needing Ghusl on a Plane