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Answers with Tag: Witr

How To Make Expiatory Payments (Fidya) To Compensate For the Missed Fasts and Prayers of a Deceased?

Witr Salaah: Waajib or Fard?

Qadha of Esha Salaah

Following a Shaafi’ee or Hambali Imaam in witr Salaah

Reciting alif instead of ain in سمع الله لمن حمده

Delaying the witr Salaah

Reciting thana in place of dua-e-qunoot

Performing the sunnats while on safar

Period Blood and Wudu: Common Questions Answered

Correct Way to Perform Witr Salaah

Can I Combine Isha and Tahajjud Prayer if I Missed Isha?

Qadha for witr Salaah

Does one have to make qadha of the Witr Salaah if the Esha Salaah was not valid

Masnoon Surahs to recite in witr Salaah

Witr Salah: Tashahhud, Dua-e-Qunoot, and Timing