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Answers with Tag: taqi usmani

Student insurance

Are cartoon movies and video games allowed?

Paying traffic fines with interest

Can I run an online leather goods business without physical goods & what Shariah-compliant business book do you recommend?

Dear Mufti Sahab.. AssalaamuAlaikum.. There is a lot of confusion regards to following of 4 Imams. Pls clarify us on this : http://en.islamtoday.net/artshow-431-4538.htm

Question on Taqleed

Can I work as a software developer for a Hedge Fund?

Is it permissible to install pirated software?

What is the position of Jum’ah prayer on a journey?

What is the ruling regarding copyright etc?

Ive heard a lecture a while back about “Interest”. (Fatawa)

Why cannot currencies be sold at rates different than the market or spot rate?

When to Rise up to Complete Remaining Salah In Jama’ah

I’m kindly asking more information regarding Qurbani. As a Muslim convert, I want to learn more on the same subject so that I will be able to share it with my family who are non-Muslims.

Is Share Marketing Trading Shari’ah Compliant?