Home » Posts tagged 'Shafi' (Page 5)

Answers with Tag: Shafi

Who are the Munafiqs?

Which Madhhab Ghusl should be done on a Mayyit (Deceased person)?

Does Repeating Verses of Surah Fatiha out of Waswas Breaks Continuity?

Deviation From The Direction Of Qiblah

Which Quran translation to read

Permissible or not

Another narration on the intentions people will have when performing Hajj and ‘Umrah

Who are the Sabi-un?

A Hanafi Reading Zuhr Salaah after the Shafi time of Zuhr Salaah has expired

Consuming iguana.

I want to Know to whom the following terms can be used.

Is covering ankles by izar (lower garment) haraam?

Is it permissible to read Quran with meaning and tafseer?

Can I run a CCTV security business with photos and videos? Considerations?

Is Nouman Ali Khan’s Tafseer on bayyinah.tv a good source of knowledge?