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Answers with Tag: SALAH

Can a mosque be built with borrowed materials?

Zakah to Imam for personal needs?

Can nails be cut or trimmed after Maghrib Salah?

Can we take baths & switch rooms during Itikaf? Can others enter my room?

Is pursuing an MBA with a beard a good idea?

Can I Perform Witr Namaz in Mecca or Medina During Ramadan?

Can a pregnant woman pray?

What is the concept of Shab-e-Barat and is it considered bida’h?

What salah timing should I follow in Kanpur: old or new?

How can I strengthen my memory and protect myself from sin according to Islamic teachings?

Can women pray tarawih separately behind the imam in masjid, per Shafi and Hanafi?

Is it permissible to give the same speech in 3 Masjids within 2km of each other?

Did everyone’s prayer get accepted?

Is celebrating 15th Shaban a bida’h according to Ibn Baz?

Is it necessary to go to tabligh jamah if one is already fulfilling their fardh and giving dawah?