Home » Posts tagged 'Ramadan' (Page 27)

Answers with Tag: Ramadan

Breaking fast due to headache

Usage of nasal drops whilst fasting

Can a person who smokes weed lead Taraweeh? How does it affect the musallis prayers?

How many times does Hajj have to be performed?

Zakat over how many years

Wrong date for Zakāh calculation

Kaffarah Fasts

Laylatul Qadr signs

Kaffarah for sexual intercourse

I woke up in the state of janabat in the month of Ramadhaan after sunrise, will my fast be valid?

Swallowing one’s saliva while fasting; i’tikaaf or jamaat

I have a genetic condition, do I have to fast?

I inserted my finger in vagina forgetfully, is my fast valid?

Breaking a fast in Ramadhan at the wrong time.

Question regarding the Zakat calculation