Home » Posts tagged 'Makkah' (Page 27)

Answers with Tag: Makkah

Do I have to perform Sa’ee immediately after Tawaf?

Is Mina part of Makkah?

Is Qurbani compulsory upon a person who performs Hajj e Tamatu’?

Miscellaneous Questions Regarding Hajj

Am I allowed to pray Salah while I am performing my Tawaaful Wida?

Lady falling onto man in the state of Ihram in Hajj. Any expiation required?

I performed my salah in bus whilst sitting.

Does a Haji have to fulfill Udhiyya and Eid prayer?

Am I a Muqim in the following?

Is there any evidence for going to someone’s house to drink Zamzam?

Agent is delaying giving refund for Hajj packages, now he wishes to compensate through Sulh

Acceptance of Dua when in Hajj

Performing Tamattu’ Hajj without Umrah

Can Damm be given anytime throughout the year?

Will my Hajj be accepted if I had sexual intercourse whilst I was in Ihram?