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Answers with Tag: kalimah

Need witness for valid Shahadah? Halal to use name with no deity worship?

Is downloading Islamic material from websites and displaying it on mobile screens permissible?

Did I dream of being called by Nabi Isa (AS) shortly before Fajr prayer?

Can I overcome my waswasa and evil thoughts?

Is this Sunnah or Bida’h to recite these prayers before sleep?

Is my nikah lawful if I married the person my father chose, despite my past?

Where is the reference for the Kalimah Tayyibah?

Does dying on Friday or reciting “La Ilaha Illallah” have significance?

What does my mother’s dream of Dadi wearing white and surrounded by light mean?

What is the meaning of the name “Shameer” in Arabic and can it be changed?

Attend Kerala functions with 100000 kalima tu Shahadah, dua for the dead, and food?

Can You Give Me a Supplication Wich Will Protect Me From Evil Eye?

Overwhelmed and Confused in Trying to Understand and Practice Islam: What Can I Do?

Can I Paint Animate Objects Using Brushes Made from Animal Hair?

How To Overcome My Fear of Death‏?