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Answers with Tag: isha

Can I be someones second secret wife?

Giving Zakaat Money to a Debtor

Should we keep fast and pray Isha according to 15 degrees or 18 degrees?

Is Salaah not accepted for 40 days if one engages in oral sex and should women attend tarawih in the Masjid?

Is the following feeding scheme permissible with the zakah funds?

What is the proof against those who say that wiping [masah] over regular socks is permissible?

Doubt in number of Rak’aat read in Salah

Qadha for Qasr Salaah

Are the following scenarios considered Gheebah?

How many minutes before Esha is Maghreb Salaah still valid to pray?

The masjid offers 3 Jumuah Salaats

Death on a Monday


Massage from non-Muslim midwife?

Is it the wife’s responsibility to cook?