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Answers with Tag: Hadith

When is it obligatory to lower one’s gaze? To what extent does the prohibition of looking at people doing haram apply?

What is the ruling in the Hanafi school regarding leather products?

How do I count my ‘Idda (waiting period), if my menstruation is irregular due to acute stress?

How does one purify themselves from the saliva of a dog? How does impurity transfer?

Is it necessary for the Imam to intend leading women in prayer?

Explain what is considered tahajjud and its rulings.

Is it a matter of disbelief to mock the religious beliefs of others?

Does oil, cream, or gel applied to the hair prevent water from reaching the hair when wiping in Wudu?

What is the ruling for a person who performs wudu naked or just wearing underwear?

What should I do if I prayed ‘Asr but am not quite sure if the ‘Asr prayer time had entered beforehand?

Is it permissible to make du’a during prostration, between the prostrations and at the end of the prayer? Must one only make Qur’anic supplications?

Please define for me the precise message which all the Prophets were commanded by Allah Most High to preach?

What is the ruling of keeping social distancing during the prayer due to the Covid-19 pandemic? Is this bid’a?

Is it permissible to recite sura al fatiha in just one rakat in salah?

What are the times for each prayer that a prayer is valid in?