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Answers with Tag: Asr

Is Takbeer Tashriq obligatory upon women

Will it be permissible for a person who enters the toilet to read the dua inside the toilet

Is a Decree Absolute considered to be an Islamic divorce

Dua after Salah

Sajdah Tilawah after the Asar Salaah

How to perform Qadha Salaah

Musaafir performing Salaah behind a Muqeem

Asr Imaamah of a Hanafi Imam Before The Hanafi Time Sets In

Etiquettes and rulings relating to the day of Eid

Is a person traveling to Tobago considered a musafir?

Qadha (make up) of missed Salaah and fasts

Can I leave out the Sunnah actions in Qahda Salahs?

How does a Muqtadi (follower) complete his Salaah in congregation if the Imam is a Musafir (traveler)?

Qadha (make-up) for numerous missed Salaah

How should the missed Rakaats in Jamaat be completed and when should one stand up?