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Men’s Clothing: Obligatory and Recommended

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

What are the proper manners (adab) of clothing for men? Is Western clothing considered something suitable for a religious Muslim to wear if he lives in the West?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Certain manners related to dress are obligatory and others are recommended. What is obligatory is to cover the nakedness which, for men, is everything between the navel and knee. That which covers the nakedness must be something that conceals the colour of the nakedness [h. i.e., one must not be able to tell whether the underlying skin is black or white], so a thin cloth through which the colour of one’s nakedness can be seen is insufficient.

As for the recommended manners, it is that the clothing be loose-fitting and that it not reveals the shape of one’s nakedness. Whenever a Muslim [h. man] achieves these three manners with regard to his clothing, they suffice him even if the clothing is Western, such as a Western suit.

It is sunna for everyone (as mentioned in the Tuhfa in the chapter of clothing), and an emphasized sunna for someone who is an exemplar for others to beautify their appearance and garments and to look extremely handsome and clean.

– Amjad Rasheed

(Translated by Hamza Karamali)

السؤال: ما هي آداب اللباس للرجال ؟ هل يمكن أن يعتبر اللباس الغربي لائقاً بالمسلم الملتزم ( إن كان يعيش في البلاد الغربية ) ؟ الجواب : آداب اللباس منها ما هو واجب ، ومنها ما هو مندوب ، فالواجب هو ما يستر العورة وهي في الرجل ما بين سرته وركبته ، ويشترط في الساتر أن يستر لون العورة فلا يكفي الثوب الخفيف الذي يظهر منه لون العورة . وأما المندوبُ فهو أن يكون الثوب واسعاً لا يصف حجم العورة . فمتى حصَّل المسلم في لباسه هذه الآداب الثلاثة كفاه ذلك وإن كان اللباس غربياً كالبدلة المعروفة . ويسن لكل أحد كما في “التحفة” في باب اللباس بل يتأكدُ على من يُقتدى به تحسينُ الهيئة والمبالغةُ في التجملِ والنظافةِ والملبوسِ بسائر أنواعه .

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